Things are going well as I prepare to start teaching. We had our first meetings today and they went fine.
Yesterday I almost put my hand on the head of a big black snake (see above) but fortunately I drew back in time.
I am going to get the propane heater fixed tomorrow and Ronnie is coming to check out the road job. I hope he can do it for under a thousand.
Finishing Line Press has accepted my chapbook of poems about living in the hollow and that should come out next year.
I also purchased a 22 caliber pistol. I have read of recent attacks by dogs and coyotes and I saw a TV show about them. I walk by myself all the time and with a bad knee I couldn’t get away from a pack of dogs or coyotes or even climb a tree. I shot it a few times and I was pretty accurate but I really just want it to scare away any problem animals. A friend who knows guns thinks it is a really good idea and I have to agree, even though I am not a gun person, but I do want to be safe.