Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It seems that each thing I fix for the western trip leads to another thing to repair. I fixed the screens in the camper top windows and that should help keep the bugs out. I set up both tents (my one person and my four person) and both looked in good shape. The one person is about thirty years old, an Early Winters gore-tex model that is still usable. The other one is more conventional, and it set up pretty easily. I may need to put one up if I am at a campsite where the bugs get in my camper top. A night with bugs is rather sleepless and no-seeums and mosquitoes can ruin an evening. I sprayed all the zippers with silicone and the older tent really needed it. I am going to try to do a good deal of camping this trip, partly to save money and partly because I usually sleep better in my truck as long as it isn’t too hot. The fan will help a great deal for naps and incendiary evenings.
I have been trying to coexist with the wasps by my door, but a couple of days ago, I got stung by two of them so I had to use my earth-friendly spray to get rid of a few nests. Usually the wasps just buzz past me but getting bitten was no fun so I had to do something to control the situation.
I am excited about leaving, and with all the work I am doing, I should have everything set up perfectly. I have moved my start date to July 8, right after some department stuff.

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