Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yesterday was a driving day that ended up well. I decided to head up to Lynchburg to change my Amtrak tickets, and after an excellent massage from Jeff, I began my drive. I got there just after the station opened at 4 and changed the tickets, finding out that there still wasn’t a roomette on the last part of the trip. I will save me 278 dollars to stay in coach and that is tempting since I will only be on the train for 19 hours but I will decide if a roomette opens up.
On my way back I returned Cathy Gallo’s call and she reminded me that it was Claire’s 18th birthday and I felt stupid for not remembering. I decided that I had to drive to Radford and give her a present and I did. I chatted with them and had a lot of fun joking, especially with Cathy, Maddie and Claire. I think Claire appreciated my driving in and I know Cathy did.
I slept poorly again last night (and it was rather warm) but in the morning I did my yoga and weights and practiced for 40 minutes. Then it was time to go play golf and I was terrific, shooting a 43 on the back nine from the red tees. I chipped very well and I missed three easy putts or I might have shot a 40.
The big news was an e=mail I got yesterday from Irv:

Thank you for spending time with me last week on your (Justin) property to investigate its potential to support natural heritage resources. Based on our observations and my photographs, staff here believe the property supports at least three natural heritage resources – smooth coneflower (Echinacea laevigata), montane dry calcareous forest/woodland, and rich cove and slope forest. Also, we have records for two rare aquatic species – Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) and spatulate snowfly (Allocapnia simmonsi) – within the North Fork Roanoke River fairly close to the property. Considering these factors, it would be very appropriate for the easement to not permit commercial-scale timber harvesting and to restrict future construction and land clearing to a small area around the cabin – ideally no more than the area currently occupied by the homestead – and a small area around the orchard on the northwest side of the property. We recommend the easement leave some flexibility to control invasive species and to manage habitat for natural heritage resources, following guidance from DCR. (For example, the smooth coneflower might benefit from some small canopy openings.) It might be appropriate for the easement to require a habitat management plan, prepared in coordination with DCR, before any habitat management activities are undertaken.

Hopefully, the right of way issue will be resolved soon. Please keep me posted. This is an important easement.


Irvine Wilson
Natural Area Protection Specialist
Department of Conservation & Recreation
Natural Heritage Program
217 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219

I was delighted by the e-mail and I forwarded it to my lawyer and he wrote back to say, “You’re in,” and that is wonderful. I haven’t heard officially but it does look good.
I went for a walk with Rob and he cooked up some dinner and that was quite nice.

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