Monday, June 17, 2013

my trip north

My visit north has turned out quite well. I stopped at a KOA near New Market and then went to the Shenvalee for bike riding and dinner. The next day I stopped and biked along the Potomac near Sandy Hook road and that was very nice although it was crowded. There were a number of people on the trail and I had to drive very carefully. My visit to Kelly was a lot of fun. Lucia monopolized my attention but she was a great playmate. We went for a walk to the concert across from her house and we played soccer and Kelly and Lucia beat Alfredo and me. It was pretty intense. I had a fine visit to Manhattan also. I walked and walked, from the ferry to the Highline at 14th street, Times Square, Central Park, Hunter College, just my normal meandering. I had a great time with Tina and Alana and she is a very nice young lady and very smart. I stayed for three nights at the Hampton Inn on Staten Island and that was pleasant and not that expensive. I don’t mind driving to the ferry and I used the closer lot so I don’t have to get the 9PM boat. I stayed at Gabes’ apartment the last night and that was fun. Julian has certainly grown up a lot and I enjoyed reading to him and playing with him. Gabes was very sweet and Francesca and I had a good talk. They took me out to dinner and refused my offer to pay for the plane tickets for their visit in October. I drove up to the Catskills, stopping at Wallkill Golf Club and shooting a 95, which was very nice. I ended up at Roscoe Campsites where I biked for 40 minutes and then went to eat at Raimundo’s Italian restaurant where I had a good dinner and watched the Heat play poorly and lose to the Spurs. Two games left and they have to win both. Today is the photo shoot with Jose and I am a little anxious about that. The water is up so I am not sure I will get a fish.

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