Saturday, July 27, 2013

days 26 and 27 alaska

    I got up early as usual and headed into Victoria for the morning.  I stopped for writing and coffee and then parked at a pay lot right downtown.  I rode my bike all over, for the first time to Ogden Point where the big cruise ships come in and then back to the other side past all the new condominiums.  I heard they are going to put in a sewer treatment plant.  I then took the harbor tour on one of the water taxis and then lunch at a restaurant in Chinatown.  I couldn’t play golf by myself so I went for a swim in elk lake and then drove out to Swartz Bay. 

     The cruise across was lovely and when I got to Vancouver I first drove to Granville Island and had a great dinner at Dockside with a wonderful view.  I then went to Robson street for a walk and for an ice cream cone and then made it to Capilano River RV place which was incredibly packed together, a real urban RV resort.  I had stomach problems just before bed so I made much use of the bathrooms as I walked around. 

     I slept okay and when I awoke I got going to Stanley Park and rode my bike around the whole park in about 35 minutes.  Then I was going to Sumas but I made a mistake and headed down 15 and had to wait over an hour to get across the border.  I called Gloria and she will know more about the lump on the MRI on Monday.  She is very upset, as she should be.

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