Monday, June 1, 2015

Long Night Good Day

A long night but I think I have figured out a good plan. I want to be there for Kelly during the move, so I am going to head to Colorado around the 20th of June, get back around July 12th (and take care of the house) then leave for Kelly’s on the 16th then the closing on the 17th. I will help over the weekend and then head home until the following weekend when I return and then start my trip on the 27th . I will drive to Goose Bay (about 1500 miles from Kelly’s) then explore Coastal Labrador for 4 days, take the ferry to Newfoundland, spend 6 days there, take the ferry from Argentia to North Sydney, then drive home after a quick stop in Cape Breton. Had a nice lunch with Claire and she is doing very well. I got a hike in this morning, played 9 holes of golf and rode my bike for 50 minutes. I can’t wait for the playoffs to start although working in Starbucks for an hour and a half is not too bad.

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