Saturday, June 4, 2016

Fishing again

I slept pretty well last night, not needing a OTC sleeping pill. When I got up I did some housework, then my first set of exercises including 20 minutes on the exercise bike. I called DISH and they are coming out tomorrow to replace my receiver and my remote. The only problem is that it could be between 12 and 5. I did my practicing and then ate another nice organic greenhouse salad. The greenhouse is really producing. It was nap time and after I got up I went to work on my second set of exercises and the time for shaving and showering. I drove out about 3 and stopped at the Tech CRP for a half mile walker walk. Then I drove out to Ripplemead and fished with the walker at the boat launch at the park. No hits but great to fish. Now I drove out to Narrows and did another walk on the sidewalk. Then I headed out to the one lane bridge over Wolf Creek and fished right from the back of my truck but again no hits. I drove back to Narrows and tried to nap but really just rested my eyes. I drove back to Bburg and decided to take a walk in the Perry Street parking garage and that felt good. Then it was time for dinner and dessert and Panera. Good day.

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