Monday, January 2, 2017

less than 15 hours

It is Monday evening and less than 15 hours to go for my renal biopsy. I will be so glad when it is over. I had a reasonable day, having to drive only a little less than 300 miles, stopping to ride my bike at a community college outside of Knoxville, napping, playing nine holes at clear creek near Abingdon, getting my oil changed near Marion and getting to my office for another nap before it got dark. I talked to Gabes and he was sympathetic and I promised to call him tomorrow. I have gotten a lot of support from my friends and that has been very important, especially from Maddie Gallo. She has been very kind and concerned and it moved me. I am certainly not looking forward to tomorrow but it has to happen and I will take either 1 and ½ or 2 5 mg valium to calm me down. Claire is set to meet me at 1, if that’s when I can leave.

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