Monday, August 14, 2017

Last Day in the Hollow

Monday has been going well. I met Claire at the gate at 9 and by 11:30 we were pretty much done.  I had put a good bit of stuff in my truck and I transferred it to Claire’s car when I met her.  We taped and labeled boxes, filled some plastic bags, loaded some more boxes and then had a nice lunch of Macaroni and cheese, peas, Claire’s sweet potatoes and strawberries.  I drove her to the gate at a little after 12 and then switched some more stuff to her car.  When I got home I took a nice nap then slowly got up and did a little more packing and loaded the vacuum cleaner into my truck.  I have plenty of room in my truck.  I drove in and got rid of some garbage, then picked up 5 boxes at the ABC store, then drove over to East Coasters and Ian had time to fix the bike so I left if and went over to Our Daily Bread for a sandwich and coffee.  My bike should be fixed soon and then I will go pick it up, probably take a short nap and then it should almost be time to go to St. Mary’s.  Tomorrow is moving day and I think it will go well.  The movers confirmed that they will be there at 9, and I don’t think it will take more than 2 hours to clear the house.  But the unexpected can happen so I am not going to get upset if things go slowly.

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