Friday, November 24, 2017

A Pretty Decent Day

Friday turned out to be a pretty good day.  I got up early and went to Our Daily Bread and got a quiche and a loaf of 12 grain bread, then returned home to do my knee exercises.  I then got ready and drove in to meet my kayak friend for lunch, then I headed back and sold my coin collection for 80 dollars, which I can use right now.  I stopped at Our Daily Bread and got a loaf of Olive Rosemary bread, then I headed back and rode my bike for thirty five minutes before taking a good nap then heading over to Glenda’s for dinner.  I gave Daniel the suitcase I had and he appreciated it.  I had a nice chat with Candi and Daisy and then I washed a lot of plates to help out.  The food was again terrific.  I drove back home and took a thirty minute walk before heading in and watching the Tech game.  I did a full set of weights and yoga and that felt pretty good.  I was not too anxious all day and that was a very pleasant relief.    

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