Friday, January 12, 2018

Teaching is only a few days away

Thursday was a decent day, even though I was tired and needed a couple of naps.  I did my knee exercises, went out for some supplies, did my singing and some piano playing and eventually rode my bike inside at the Perry Street Garage with the temperature in the high forties.  I  did 12 ramps and then, after a nap, I did a 40 minute walk, mainly in Torgerson.  Back in my apartment I  did almost all my weights and yoga, then watched TV. 

Friday was another tired day but I did my knee exercises, picked up a bird feeder and some bird seed and a container for the extra seed.  I talked to Dr. Trivedi’s office and there is nothing they can do about my tiredness, my chills or my shaking hands but they said that I should get a shot when I come next time.  I will if it is covered but I am not going to pay 700 for it.  I played piano and sang and I went for a 40 minute bike ride inside the Perry Street garage, then went for dinner at Macados (hoping to see Jake but he wasn’t there), then went for a 30 minute walk in Torgerson, then home for a full set of weights and yoga.  Heather wrote a very respectful response to my email about why she didn’t respond to my questions, but she ignored them but I have it on record that she ignored them.  I left a message for Gabes and for John and I hope to hear from them at some point.  My cough is about the same but no worse so I guess I will start teaching with a cough.


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