Sunday, February 25, 2018

Feeling much better on the adjusted meds

Thursday was a good day also.  I did my knee exercises, then showered and headed into RU to have my office hour and then teach at 2:00.  After class I went for a bike ride along the river and drove home just before dark.  I did my weights and yoga and watched TV.

Friday was a day off and though I was a little anxious I had a lot of fun.  I drove out to Trails Edge and caught 2 nice bluegills.  I then drove back, took a nap, then played 9 holes of golf (just nine holes so I didn’t overtire myself and then headed back to Blacksburg, where I rode my bike and then headed home a little after dark.

Saturday was another good day of pretty good energy and little anxiety.  I wrote to Amy and told her I just wasn’t up to teaching in. the governor’s school and though I could use the money, I just don’t have the D2L skills or the desire to take on all that stress to clear 3 thousand dollars.  I did my bike ride over at Tech and did my weights and yoga when I got home.   I felt pretty good all day. 

Sunday was an even better day in terms of my mood and my energy.  I slept okay and finally got up around 9:30, giving me plenty of time to get ready and head over to rehearsal at 10:30.  Rehearsal went well and then singing the mass was very good.  I stood up for all of the songs and some of the other stuff.  After mass I went for a bike ride at Tech for 40 minutes, then came home for a nap, then went back over to Tech for a 35 minute walk outside.  Then I drove home and chatted with Dave and he told me how sick Erina was and I wished her well.  She is having a lot of breathing problems and I can understand those.  I came home just before dark, took another nap, finished grading and paying some bills and doing my blog.  Really good day.

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