Sunday, June 24, 2018

One Very Good Day

Saturday turned out to be a very good day.  I was a little hyper in the morning, not able to nap at all, but I did my piano work, my knee exercises, my weights, my blog, and I did some wash.  Then I went out to play nine holes of golf and shot a 43.  Then it was time to go fishing at my new spot, and I tried my waders out and they worked fine though I caught only one small on my fly rod.  I was using my pack rod (meant for a 7 weight line) with a 4 weight line and it didn’t cast very well.  The biggest thing was that David was coughing and I may have caught something from him.  That will really stress me out.  After the fishing I drove to VT and did my bike ride of almost 40
Sunday I woke up very dry in the mouth (am I getting sick?) and not very productive.  I did my knee exercises then I showered with the new shampoo and put on the cream.  Then it was off to Mass and that went pretty well and I know some of the songs and responses.  Then I went off to first register for the second year of my warranty on my new phone, then a nap under the trees near Home Depot, then searching for regular boot waders (my stocking foot and boot waders were pretty tough to get on and off) and I did find a decent pair for 60 dollars but because they were used a bit I got 20 percent off so that was a good break.  I am going to send them out to New Mexico with my other fishing gear and my tevas and some clothing so I won’t have so much to carry on the train.   I’ve gotten most of the gear together and I will finish packing it later.  I hope to get my bike ride in later but I may have to push to do that. 

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