I was able to play an easy round of golf today and I shot very well. It is nice to be back after two weeks off. Tomorrow I may try to play from the longer tees.
I have finally finished up fixing the campertop on my truck. The last thing was to secure the front of it better to the bed of the truck and I drilled in two ¼ inch self tapping screws, one on either side. That should hold for at least a day or two. The big problem is my road and the Sisson road. The ruts beat the truck up and the campertop gets loose quickly. I will be so happy when I replace the truck in a couple of years and get a smaller campertop.
I walked up to the orchard and there was still a great lobelia flowering, plus all the goldenrods and asters. I sprayed the yellow jacket nest in the morning but there were still yellow jackets around.
I also took some pictures of the house, the greenhouse and the orchard and I will try to add them above.
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