Sunday, October 10, 2010

A productive day, first grading and reading and practicing saxophone. I then took a hike to the orchard. After that I reset the solar electric charger so it will get more direct sun and then I trimmed the trees near it so it will get even more sun. I used the tractor to bring up a load of dirt and I leveled off the new area I had dug out a few weeks ago. I also put some seed down and watered the entire area. Some new grass is coming up. I also used the tractor to level the road a bit although it didn’t do much on the section Ronnie rebuilt. It will get smoother in time.
Noah’s Bar Mitzvah yesterday was memorable and he handled it with poise and intelligence. The ceremony was touching and the luncheon afterwards was first rate. I am glad that both Noah and Rob have that behind them.

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