Friday, March 16, 2018

Big Fish out on Walker Creek

Saturday was a pretty good day.  I slept okay and I got up at around 8, did my knee exercises and my weights and yoga, then washed the dishes, played the piano and sang my jazz songs, and sang all the songs for Sunday.  A good morning led me to drive out to Trail’s End, where I used my portable chair for the first time and it worked very well.  Sitting was much more comfortable and though I didn’t catch any fish, I did have a big fish on for about 10 seconds.   It was fun and then I took a nap.  I drove to the High School in Perisburgh and rode my bike for almost 40 minutes.  It really needs the new parts that Ian ordered and I hope they come soon.  Then I drove back to town and picked up a few things at Food Lion.  I started rereading Streetcar and I am now watching Virginia play UMBC and amazingly, the score is tied at halftime, 21-21.   Could this be the first time a number one seed loses?     Dave hasn’t called me back yet so I hope nothing bad is going on.

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