Thursday, March 8, 2018

Good News about my Knees

Thursday turned into another good day.  I was not able to do much with my knee exercises but I did do some more work on my poem for Beth.  It has some good lines but needs more work.  I then drove over to meet Claire for lunch at Greens and afterwards we took and walk of over a mile and a third.  After that I went to see Dr. Gardner and after he looked at the x-rays he said that both knees looked pretty good and that I shouldn’t need knee surgery on my right knee for at least two years.  I drove home for a nap, then woke up with just enough time to get to tech for a 25 minute walk with my knee braces on.  I drove back home just before dark  and I lay down for a few minutes before watching Duke easily beat Notre Dame.   During the game I rode my stationary bike for 20 minutes then practiced piano for 15 minutes and did a little bit of singing.  I will do my weights later but I will wait on the yoga one more day.  Jenny called me and we had a nice chat so that was fun to catch up with her.  Dave called and we are going to try to figure out something about visiting him in Oceanside this summer.  I think I had better do some traveling this summer if I am up to it since with my knees who knows how much I can travel in future years.  I was not anxious at all today and not surprisingly I was very busy.  

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