Saturday, April 14, 2018

Wolf Creek

Saturday was a productive day but not a very good fishing one.  I did my knee exercises, cleaned the stove top, did a laundry, swept the kitchen floor, did the recycling and threw out the garbage, vacuumed all the carpets and the bathroom tile, practiced some piano, then took a brief nap.  Then it was time to head off to fish.  I decided to drive out to Narrows for a change and Wolf Creek, even at my favorite bridge there, was not productive, not even a hit.  I then took a nap at the turnoff for Big Stony, but quickly changed my mind and headed for the Cascades where I had a lovely walk of about a mile.  You could see all of the stream because none of the leaves were out on the trees and bushes and I was very striking.  I had to walk carefully but I stopped often for the views.  Then I drove home for a nap and then a 40 minute bike ride over at Hethwood.  I am glad I was able to accomplish both things.  I was a little surprised that Wolf didn’t work out but that is fishing.  Maddie sent me two poems and they are very, very good. 

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