Thursday, December 7, 2017

Good Day, Awful Day

Wednesday turned out to be an okay day.  I slept pretty well and I did my knee exercises, then did some paperwork, made a reservation for Amtrak to go down to Palm Beach.  I drove out to Auburn Hills hoping to play some golf but there was only one car there and the thermometer was stuck at 40 and that just seemed too cold.  I drove back and picked up some meds and supplies at Walmart and then drove home for a long chat with my sister Roberta and I am planning to visit her for 3 days before I head over to the CEA conference in St. Petersburg.  I think it will be a good visit and I know I will try to be the perfect guest.  I then drove over to Torgersen and walked for 40 minutes before returning home for weights and yoga. 
Thursday turned into an almost total disaster.  I slept poorly, coughing a lot, and started to get anxious so I took half a valium.  I got up a few times to eat a little and take my meds but I went right back to bed drifting off a number of times while reading Women in Love.  I did one set of the first part of my knee exercises, then did a nebulizer treatment which did help my coughing.  What a long day.  I had scheduled an appointment to see Rob at 3:15 but I couldn’t get out of bed so I had to cancel.  At points I couldn’t even lift my arms from the bed.  Rob called and offered to come over and though I didn’t want him to, I finally agreed and when he checked me out he wasn’t overly concerned although he wanted me to come in tomorrow at 12:00 for bloodwork and maybe some other tests.  He is not sure what is going on but the possibilities are many: my tiredness could be because of my low testosterone, because the 300mg of synthroid isn’t being absorbed, because of a virus or infection, because of my decreasing the prednisone from 20 mg to 17 and 1/2 mg.  I finally got out of bed around 7:30, sang some songs and did my blog.  I am going back to bed now until I have to get up at 9:30 to take the Eliquis and the Prograf.   Horrible day.  I really can’t live this way much longer.      

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