Sunday, May 13, 2018

Everything seems to be falling apart

Sunday was a decent day.  While doing my knee exercises I looked into the Crossings, an assisted living place near Blacksburg.  It had a few deficits, including a starting price of 3100 (which includes food), two story buildings, and pet friendly rules.  I could afford it if I get rid of my truck (and they do offer occasional transportation) but if I keep a vehicle I would only last there till I was about 75.  I drove over to St. Mary’s and to my surprise a number of singers were there and Beth said I could sing and I did, not my best performance but decent.  I then drove out to Newport and found a couple of places to fish but I had no hits.  I used my my chair twice (once at park near Newport and once by the bridge around 5 miles from Newport).  Fishing has become a non-contact sport for me.  I then drove home and ate a late lunch and watched some of the Celtics Cavaliers game and that was basically over after the first quarter, the Celts playing very well.  Then I played forty minutes of piano and singing before watching a little more of the Players, with Tiger tied for third, fourteen under.  I am going to watch more now and do 30 minutes of biking.  The last time I played golf, three days ago, I hurt my shoulder some so I am going to have to work on it for a few days before I play again.   

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