Sunday, May 6, 2018

Potential Serious Problems

Sunday will be another catch up.  Last week had its ups and downs.  On Thursday I finished my semester and that felt very good.  Then Rob called and gave me the bad news that he thinks what is causing my wobbliness and the shaking is from the cytoxin I took during chemotherapy.  He thinks it can cause a lot of problems (which of course I knew) but it really depressed me.  I thought of being in a wheelchair soon and how that might change my plans to work 5 more semesters.  That didn’t seem possible now and there were might be the need to change apartments (although all the rooms have an available 32 inch wide opening (except the bathroom, which is 30).  I was pretty down until this morning when I figured out that with using my sick leave and teaching till early May of next year I could end up with 151K in my AXA account, which would get me to 85.  I played golf twice so far and neither time really hurt my shoulder.  I did take a 500 mg Tylenol each time.  I have been doing my knee exercises each day and my shoulder exercises, which haven’t helped that much, as far as I can tell.  I am leaving on the 10th for my appointment with Dr. Jain and that evening I head down to see Roberta for 5 days.  I need to pack some but that isn’t really necessary until Wednesday.  I am calmer right now and I hope I will have a better picture of what’s going to happen after I see Dr. Jain  

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