Thursday, May 10, 2018

Things are getting a lot worse

Thursday was a pretty awful day after a really bad Wednesday.  Wednesday started well with breakfast at Panera with Mary Gorton, then lunch with Claire at Greens, the a short walk to the Library and back.  I could only get that far.  Then Rob called me for a walk and we were just heading back from the end of the Tom’s creek trail (.7 each way) and I began to get really shaky.  Rob had to hold me from behind and after a few hundred yards I had to lay down beside the trail.  Rob got me up and we struggled to within 200 yards of the trail’s end when I couldn’t walk anymore and had to lay down again.  Rob called Becky and she and Rob got me into Becky’s car and she drove me home and Rob drove my truck over there.  Rob said I shouldn’t drive down to NC and that I shouldn’t go down to Florida, and I agreed.  I called me sister and Amtrak (I had to contact Amtrak and UNC Medical Center tomorrow).  Awful and embarrassing day.
    Thursday was a continuation of Wednesday.  I did some of my knee exercises, some of my shoulder exercise, then I drove to Walmart to get my prednisone and some supplies.  I got stuff but I was very glad to get back in the truck and at home I rode my stationary bike for 30 minutes, then for 15 minutes later.  Rob called but couldn’t get a quick appointment but he said he was going to get me in somewhere.  I napped quite a bit and talked with both Lou and Cathy.  Cathy is going to work another year at least. 

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