Sunday, November 7, 2010

The visit last weekend from Ken and Sandy was a lot of fun, and we did some hiking, dining and watching the world series (both of them are Yankee fans). They made me a wonderful birthday dinner, the entrée being fresh striped bass that Ken caught and cooked. It was terrific.
Today I went for a morning hike and it was rather cold, but with most of the leaves down I spotted a few deer up the steep slope, and enjoyed the oak leaves which are still green. A multitude of crows, called a muster or murder, flew over me when I was watering the new grass. After they landed I started cawing and they all flew out to investigate. It was fun to watch them wheeling around. I also noticed that the yellowjacket nest that I sprayed a couple of weeks ago and then covered has been dug up. Whatever has dug it up left a couple of small sticks in the hole so it may have been a raccoon.
I checked out the attic and I can’t see any insects up there at the ridge (and it looks fine) so I am not sure what is going on up there. Something is causing some insulation to drift down so I had better put back the insulation and check further. I also found a big bag of good clothing that my ex left. I am going to drop it off at her friend's.
I haven’t heard from my friend and I know she is very sad right now. My other friend is doing a little better but she is always day to day.
I have given up on the camper top and tomorrow I am going up to Leonard to replace it. I hope they will give me a break on it since it was such a disaster.

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