Sunday, September 4, 2011

I went up to see Jeff, Rachel and Benjamin yesterday and had a lot of fun playing with Benjamin and watching the Tech game. I am back working so I had papers to grade and books to read and I will be busy until Thanksgiving, when I get a week off.
This morning I did my yoga and weights, then I went off to ride my bike in the pasture because the rain was supposed to come in this afternoon. I wanted to play golf but the course was packed and it was supposed to start raining at 4 so I may go to a movie.
I am worried about the economy and I don’t think Obama’s speech is going to do much to help things. I really don’t think he had done a very good job and I am not sure I am going to vote for him. I know he took on a really bad situation, but he hasn’t improved it enough for my taste.

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