Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mark Burnette came out yesterday and he took the two hardshell kayaks, along with the broken cargo box. Now I have more space in the tractor barn and he also helped me trimming the road to the orchard. I paid him 100 since he is really low on cash. We may go down to Charlotte again to kayak if a warm day comes up.
The easement moves along and the forester, Mike Skinner, came out, and he was very nice, knowing Gyorgyi and Lisa Norris. He should be back this week and he thinks the timber is okay in spots, but that the money figure should be fine. Josh Gibson sent me a revised copy of the deal with a few minor changes which I approved. VOF will be out to do their baseline study soon so I would imagine that they are pretty sure they will accept my proposal.
Rob and I went to the VT-Clemson game and it was an awful game on an awful night. We both had a good time anyway.
My greenhouse garden is doing okay, especially the peas, but the lettuce seems hesitant to grow much. We’ll see.
The student who came in late and used foul language hasn’t apologized yet so I may have to contact the Dean of Students tomorrow so they can talk to him before I let him back in class.
I am still tired but I guess I have to wait a few more weeks for my blood level to get back up.
I went to Maddie’s game on Friday and had a nice chat with Cathy. Status quo. I am planning to go to the Wake Forest competition.

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