Monday, June 18, 2012

I watched the Heat beat the Thunder over Jeff’s house last night and I had fun with Benjamin, who was a riot drumming and singing. He is very coordinated and I also read to him and built some block structures.
I have been hiking each morning and there are plenty of flower in my 6 tenths of a mile walk: Canadian anemone (I think new), viper bugloss, wild hydrangea, orange touch-me-not, narrow leaved housatonia, oxeye daisy, brown-eyed susan, black medick, heal all, bicknell’s cranebill, white avens, loosestrife, common milkweed, daisy fleabane, crown vetch, columbine (just one plant near the orchard, Deptford pink, yellow hawkweed, sulfur cinquefoil. I have been eating apples each day and picking raspberries and blackberries.
I think I have the mouse problem under control. I have trapped out five and the new wire mesh screens are working even though the mice ate through the regular screens again.
I played golf and I started on the back nine and was playing very well but then I hit the long (400 plus) fifteenth, I hit a wonderful drive then a terrific second shot that left me 75 yards away. I then hit a pitching wedge that bounced just off the green and rolled right into the cup for a birdie, which left me 8 under my goal. I ended up with a 39 so I had to play the front and I shot a 47 there for an 86, tying my best round ever.
I am trying to get a pony for Kelly’s visit and I think it will work although the whole thing may cost me over three hundred dollars. But this will be a very special surprise.

1 comment:

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