Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring is really finally almost here

This has been a fine Sunday. I went for a walk with Rob, went bike riding for an hour at the CRC, played 13 holes of golf, graded a bit, had dinner at Applebees in Radford and watched Duke advance to the final 4 and got to see Brittany, my favorite hostess, then went for another bike ride of 40 minutes along the new. I had to cover my plants the last two days but the cold snap is over and all of them are doing well. I don’t have much to do around the hollow, but there are always little things to do and the road needs some work as soon as it dries out enough. The Louisiana waterthrush has been calling along with perhaps the Worm Eating Warbler. I have seen juncos and chickadees and the coltsfoot is almost finished. There is a cress in the pasture and speedwells but next week should bring a flood of flowers. My classes are going pretty well and the poetry writing class has stabilized after I put my foot down on sloppy poems. The other classes are going well, and I will evaluate the 443 on Tuesday. My finances are looking fine and I should be able to retire in 2 and a half years. I am looking into Freighter Expeditions for a trip to New Zealand and Australia and that is a possibility.

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