Saturday, May 30, 2015

great saturday

What an excellent day. After a kayaking trip from Dudley’s Landing to the Arsenal Bridge, I played 12 holes of golf and then rode my bike for almost an hour on the Huckleberry trail. I had an unpleasant surprise this morning when I got stung by a yellow jacket and found a nest about the size of an orange under my third step. I climbed up the front porch and got the hornet spray out and wiped out the nest. All the yellow jackets were in it since it was early. The soaker hose works great. When I got back from my trip to Kelly’s the greenhouse looked pretty bad but after two days of soaker hose it had recovered a great deal. I ate a big dish of broccoli and then sugar snap peas and lettuce. I may try to replant some lettuce but it may be too hot to get it to sprout. My finances are okay but I think I will have to work a 6th semester in order to retire the way I want.

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