Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Back in the swing of things

Monday was a decent day and my energy level wasn’t too bad.  I did my knee exercises, attended the 10 AM meeting with Heather and Shelly (which seemed to go pretty well and I think the trees are going to be saved and the structure in front of Mary’s windows will be replaced by a few picnic tables and chairs on some mulched ground.  I may also get a bike rack and Heather said that my screens will be fixed.  Then it was time to go do my bloodwork and that was virtually painless and I should get the results tomorrow and see Rob on Wednesday at 3:15.  Then it was time to go play golf and though I shot a 6 on my first hole (number 2), I ended up shooting a 44.  I then drove back to my apartment to rest some and then went off to ride my bike for 40 minutes. 

Tuesday has started well, with knee exercises and then some singing from Breaking Bread, my weights and yoga, and my blog for yesterday.  I have to see the dermatologist at 1:45 and then pick up my meds at Walmart, then go to Jeff’s to say goodbye to Paul and Maruja.  Then I hope to ride my bike at Tech this evening.  I did call Amtrak and I addressed my complaint about the car attendant and the person I spoke with gave me a 200 dollar credit for my next trip. 

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