Thursday, March 3, 2011

The teaching week is over for me and now I don’t have to be back till the following Monday since it is spring break. It has been a good week for my hands and though they are hurting slightly more (1.5 out of 10), I have no complaints. I was able to help Cameron with the ladders on Tuesday and I have done a few things around the house which require use of my hands. I have been able to practice quite a bit and my hands haven’t been stiff in the morning.
I took a nice walk with Rob this evening, and we are planning a flower walk this weekend. I know that coltsfoot and cress and speedwell are out and more should be coming shortly. I plan to go fishing tomorrow (I would have played golf but I am performing tomorrow night), and do some work around the house.
I have a pretty good idea about the solar system now, but the solution I figured out, to charge the batteries by equalizing them, is not a great idea according to Bryan. The sun was charging them rapidly this morning (19 Amps) but as soon as the Outback read 95% the controller cut down the juice to around 6 amps, even though the batteries were actually nowhere near full (1215). So I am wasting all that solar and I need to figure out a way to bypass the Outback so the sun can keep sending in more energy. I will have to talk to Bryan again.
I have made major revisions to the Liam memorial poem and I think Kelly will be very moved. I hope to send her a copy by the end of the weekend.

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