Friday, April 15, 2011

A good Friday, with practicing, playing golf to beat the rain, cutting the grass to beat the rain, fishing the North Fork to beat the rain, caulking the lower part of the house to beat the rain, and taking a flower walk—to beat the rain.
The flower walk was grand. The hollow is so beautiful right now with all the bluebells and redbuds, and all the pale green leaves just coming out. There is no better place to live. Twinflowers are done, and toothwort is ending, but rue anemone is still strong along with star chickweed. The large flowered white trillium is starting as is wild geranium. Dogwoods are flowering and I saw spring beauties out by my gate. Wild Mustard and grape hyacinth out in the pasture and garlic mustard soon to start. Still some shepards purse, purple dead nettle and Persian speedwell. Large flowered bellwort on the big rock. You can’t really ask for more.
The Louisiana waterthrush has been back for a couple of weeks and I heard the winter wren almost daily a week ago. I have heard the rufus sided towhee and the Great Horned at night.
I am troubled by the budget battles and I hope the poor and the middle class aren’t screwed too bad.
The Coleman and Nan Lacy awards reading yesterday was fine with about 30 people in attendance.
I check out two of the match e-mails but none of the women listed appealed to me.
I did get another writing assignment for Kaatskill Life, this time an article on fishing for the handicapped. I want to also do another one on how my fishing has changed as I have gotten older.
I heard from Bill Rudge that the hatchery lease is gone and the DEC will be taking over. It might be a place where they allow handicapped fishing. Perhaps an article there.
No word still from Don Devine, so I will have to contact him soon.
My grading is going well, but I am pretty exhausted right now.

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