Thursday, December 29, 2011

It is Thursday , December 29 and I am still at the status quo. My health seems about the same, but I got a good hike in the morning, shouting to all the trees the good news that they won’t be cut down. I e-mailed Kate yesterday about it and she wrote back a very supportive e-mail. It is my great accomplishment, perhaps the greatest of my life.
I was able to check the solar history yesterday and in the past 20 days I got very little sunlight, probably averaging about .7 kilowatts a day, not even close to covering my usage of over 2.7 a day. I have had to use the generator here and there but I am already getting more sun so things should get better.
Even though it was only in the mid 40s, I went to play golf and shot a 47, and my driver worked pretty well.
This evening I went for a walk with Rob on the Tom’s Creek Trail and caught up. Rob is now officially divorced and he is comfortable with that. Raechel and Noah both were thankful for my gift checks and Rob was glad of that.
My dinner yesterday with Cathy was a lot of fun. We met at 6 and finished at 9:30 so it was a good chat, mainly about Carla and Claire.

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