Monday, April 23, 2018

Another Decent Day

Monday was a decent day even though I had a lot to do (it’s 10:30 and I still have my stationary biking to do and some more shoulder exercises).  I got up early and did my knee exercises, did some cleaning around the house, and played the piano and sang for almost 40 minutes.  Then I headed for Walmart to order my glasses.  They were more expensive than I expected ($250) but they will be the lens without lines, exactly like the ones I had.  I am using my frame so they should fit perfectly.  I may later get another pair of sunglasses and that may cost $350.  I did some work in my office, consulted with Kim Vest about my problem student, taught an okay class because no one did the reading, then headed home to nap and then get up to do more shoulder exercises and take a 20 minute walk in the hallway. 

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