Sunday, August 19, 2018

Saturday's downs and ups

Saturday was an interesting day in that I was pretty anxious when I woke up, but later in the day I felt more better, more alive and more comfortable.  It has been at least 3 days without a valium and that feels very good.  I got up and did my knee exercises, played some piano, did some more work with the laundry, and worked on my blog, which lately has become more and more interesting as my battle with depression continues.  I went for drive out to Big Stony and rode my bike out by Glen Alton, finding a number of wildflowers in bloom, including white wood aster, Queen Anne’s lace, Chicory, Joe Pye Weed, yarrow, orange touch me not, smartweed, ox eye daisy, thin leaved coneflower, new York ironweed, and several others but the most interesting was finding Cardinal flower.  I drove back to Blacksburg and decided to treat myself to a movie, The Meg, with Jason Stratham, who I like very much.  It was exactly as expected, not that suspenseful but enough action scenes to keep you entertained.  I didn’t buy popcorn so it cost me only $8.50.  I then headed over to Tech to ride my bike and oddly enough I felt pretty good, not exactly full of joy, but rather happy and I enjoyed the sights around me and just the feeling of being alive.  I came home exhausted so I just sat and watched TV even though I should have done my weights and stretching.   

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