Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Things are Looking better

Monday was a much better day (no valium) and I got a bunch of good news for a change.  It turns out that the rent surcharge letter was a mistake since I am paying market rate.  I went over to Rob’s to talk to John and it seems that I had the neck MRI here at Lewis Gale the week before I went to UVa.  I honestly don’t remember getting it but John had the papers.  It is unfortunate that the papers were not faxed to UVa (which John said should have been but I also should have remembered that I had had an MRI the week before so I have responsibility also). That was very disappointing but I called Anthem to see how much I would be charged and the woman I spoke with said at present Anthem had covered everything and there were no pending bills from Anthem.  The figures she gave me for the MRI charges were in the mid hundreds so I am hoping that if UVa bills me it will only be for 500 dollars or so.  I went over Tech to dry out my kayak and rode my bike around the parking lot while it dried.  Then I went to St. Mary’s to give 20 dollars for Father John’s trip and ended up talking with the seminarian Tom Lawrence and Lorianne and it was and interesting conversation about faithback home for a nap but couldn’t so I did some singing and eventually decided to forgo golf and go to the Mercy Mass at 7.  It was nice to see the people I knew and there were some new ones also, not a big crowd but the singing was very good.  I talked to Glenda a little and she gave me a thing she wrote about her trip to Richmond and it was very powerful, putting your trust in God, and I do hope that I can do more of that in the future.  It is obvious to me that I have very little control over what is going to happen to me (financially and medically) so if I can ease my worries about these things by trusting in Jesus, that should be a positive thing.  In my talk with Lorianne and Tom, I saw real comfort for them in their trusting in Jesus and I want to allow that to happen to me.  Tom gave me a book to borrow, Christian Prayer, and I am going to set up a meeting with him next week before the semester starts.  After the Mercy mass, I went home and did some weights and stretching and the watched some TV before going to bed at 12:15 and reading a few pages of Midnight’s Children. 

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