Monday, May 1, 2017

Still not much change

Sunday ended up being pretty productive, especially since I did a lot of stuff in my office, filing some stuff away, publishing my blog, and getting 6 books from the Modern Library Best 100 novels. I did a walk in the morning after listening to Sunday mass on TV and it talked about Jesus always being beside you so during my walk I thought a lot about that and thanked Jesus for being there. I still am struggling on how to talk to Jesus but I keep trying. I took a couple of naps in my truck and that helped me maintain a little better level of energy. I did siphon out the old gas out of the generator and replace it was treated gas so that should be good for at least six months. Monday was my visit to the dentist and getting up was hard (I was so tired) and I had a hard time walking (somewhat dizzy). It is my fifth day since the treatment so I am hoping in nine more days I start to feel better. I struggled to brush my teeth, shave and shower and then I struggle to get through both gates and I got rid of the recycling before heading to Dr. Park’s where I was an hour early but waiting in the office didn’t bother me much. Amanda was very nice to me, even putting a light blanket on me because I was cold. I then decided to treat myself to a Due South small barbeque sandwich and some sweet potato casserole and I enjoyed it even though my taste buds aren’t working very well. The mother of one of the office staff has had lupus for a long time and after a somewhat shaky start she ended up doing pretty well. I am now at Toyota getting some servicing done and then I will probably go to my office for a bit.

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