Saturday, July 29, 2017

Another good day

Saturday turned out very well.  I had a bit of trouble getting up (eventually getting out of bed at 9:30) but I went for a hike from the gate to the orchard, trimming along the way and that felt very good.  Last night I had to cut a tree down across the road and today I moved a couple of pieces further off the road.   I got home and rested for a few minutes then did my knee exercises, my weights (with the 10 pounder instead of the 8) and yoga, played through all the sacred songs twice, washed the dishes and then headed off for confession and the 5 pm mass.  I walked some around the church, talked to Jenny Wells (she is doing fine with Paloma and Oliver, who is now 3), then had a very good mass and since I had gone to reconciliation I was able to receive the Eucharist, which made me feel even better.  After that I rested for a few minutes in the Perry Street garage then rode my bike for 40 minutes although the steering was locking up a bit so I have to have East Coasters look at it.  My kayak friend and I are going tomorrow and I will rent from Tangent but I hope to use my kayak on our next trip if I have the strength.  I stopped by the campers yesterday and gave each of the ones who helped cut my grass a gift card from Dick’s.  They really helped me out when I was feeling pretty ill and I wanted to reward them.  I had a Southwest salad at McDonalds and I will finish my blog and hopefully talk to Dave before I head home.

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