Monday, September 12, 2016

a couple of good days

On Sunday my kayak friend and I had a lovely trip. The weather was perfect and we saw lots of flowers and birds. I finally got her to use my kayak and she loved it. She went right up into a rapid and surfed for the first time. We went over to Cook-Out to eat and that was also a lot of fun. My thigh was not a problem and I was able to go biking for 25 minutes and then go see Sully, which was very powerful and well worth seeing. Today I did my exercises, replanted my lettuce tray since the first seeding didn’t come up, did my yoga and weights and prepped for class. I then drove into Radford and drove Maddie to Tech. It was nice to chat with her. I will see her again on Wednesday. The personnel meeting went pretty well and then my class was okay if a little slow. Even though there are only ten people in it, I may break it up into groups. After class I took a nap, then made coffee and went for a 35 minute bike ride. Then it was off to O’Charley’s and cedar plank salmon and pie.

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