Thursday, September 1, 2016

first week of classes is over

Not a bad Thursday. I got up pretty early and did a mix of old exercises and the new ones I got yesterday. I iced my knee and then got ready to head up to the Social Security agency in Roanoke. Registering for Medicare was pretty easy but I got some interesting news, I could retire in the spring and start collecting Social Security in January with no loss of benefits. That is somewhat tempting but if I do it I will lose 1200 clear a year. In twenty years that would be 24K, a lot of money but I wouldn’t have to teach next fall. I am definitely thinking about it but I am not sure right now. After SS I drove up to my first class and that went pretty well and then a quick nap then office hours and my second class was also pretty good and there were fewer students than the first class. I then drove to the meadows and played 9 holes (43) from the gold. I have been playing very well as of late. Then it was time for dinner at Greens, and biking at Tech for almost 40 minutes. A long but pretty good day.

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