Monday, December 11, 2017

A couple of decent days

Saturday started out very well.  I did my knee exercises, packed up a number of boxes, practiced some church songs, then went out and got 12 liquor store boxes so I won’t be short for the move.  I returned home and did a little more packing but I was pretty tired.  I stayed in bed much of the rest of the day, getting up to watch TV and more of the opera Eugene Onegin.  I forced myself to ride my stationary bike for 20 minutes but that was all I could do.  I was totally exhausted and I couldn’t do my weights and yoga.  I am assuming that my energy level is low because of my reducing my prednisone from 17 and ½ mg to 15.  I didn’t take any Valium so that was a positive.  I did have a nice talk with Dave and I am trying to focus on getting the move done (and I really should be okay with Claire’s help) and then getting through what is going to be a hard winter.  I was picturing Coltsfoot starting to flower in early March and if I can make it till then that will be a real accomplishment.  I have just about a month left before I start teaching and that is worrying me a bit.  If I had to start right now, it would be a real struggle.  Lou and I had a discussion about the past, and I am finding it sad to look back at many of the places I’ve been and realizing that I will never return to so many of them.  Lou uses the past as a source of inspiration for his writing but that may be because he was never much of a traveler.  I have dreams about some of the wonderful natural places I have visited and I wake up pretty sad.  I do still have places nearby to return to and I hope my travels within an hour or two will be able to give me a sense of independence and renewal.

Sunday was a pretty decent day.  I did the first part of my knee exercises, then got ready to go to choir practice at 10:00.  It was a very sloppy practice with fewer people than normal and some showing up late and a new piano player who wasn’t that good.  The singing during the mass was okay but the piano player messed us up on the last song and that bothered me.  I drove over to Walmart to get my meds and then I headed to my office to get my fall preference sheet in.  After that I drove back to my apartment and took a needed nap.  I was very tired but when I awoke, I had a nice chat with Gyorgyi, then had some food and decided to go hear the speaker at St. Mary’s.  Dr. Italy was quite lively and I enjoyed his comments about reforming ourselves and letting Jesus take over the driver’s seat, letting him guide us along.  I certainly don’t know where my path is going but I am starting to see a little bit of future ahead especially since my kidney numbers are better again and Rob thinks the Prograf is working.  I went for a walk at Torgersen for almost 40 minutes then came home and finished my stationary biking while watching Eugene Onegin, then the rest of my weights and yoga.  I also had the energy to wash the dishes so I must be feeling better. I am still on the 15 mg of prednisone but I am not going to reduce it again until after Christmas.   

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