Saturday, December 30, 2017

Still Pretty Tired

Friday was a decent day.  I did my knee exercises, some singing, 30 minutes of stationary biking, another wash, and a late walk at the University Kroger.  The weather has been quite unkind, and the next ten days don’t look promising with no day supposed to get over 40 degrees.  I am about two and a half weeks before starting teaching and I feel pretty good about it.  My only fear is that I am still pretty tired and I hope that the Prograf will kick in before I start.  I need two naps a day and they are each over an hour.  I have decided that once I start teaching I am going to concentrate on my teaching and getting enough exercise.  I hope to continue singing but that will depend on how well my teaching is going.  I do enjoy the singing but I want my teaching to go very well this semester.  I can see a lot of napping in my office.  The apartment is in pretty good shape and my only real concern is how quiet it will be once my neighbors move in. 

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