Wednesday, July 27, 2016

One more day of teaching

Today was a very good day. I did one set of exercises, did my weights, played most of my piano pieces, ate a tomato from my greenhouse, got the gas container from the shed and pruned a little along the road. I drove to class and found the student papers in better shape and was able to give one student his final grade. I met for a long time with each of the other students and this evening I was able to finish the second student’s grade after she sent me her rewrite. I went to play golf before my therapy appointment but I only got 5 holes in before a thunderstorm came in. I had a late lunch at the Pizza Inn then had a nap before my therapy. It was a pretty easy one and my knee held up pretty well. I got out just after 6 and I was able to finish my 18 short holes though I was pretty bad the last two holes and failed to break 72. After that I took another nap and was pretty tired when I woke up but an iced tea perked me up and I went for a nice 40 minute ride over to the ROTC training area. That done I was ready for a little food so I headed to Macado’s to look at the student paper and do my lumosity training.

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